This new range of devices allow to sanitize the air ducts in order to reduce the risk of infection due to bacterial growth, and to improve the quality of indoor air.
The aeraulic systems, in fact, can become the home and vehicle of transmission of organisms harmful to health such as molds producing toxins, allergens, bacteria like Legionella, etc. In the case of legionnaires disease, a serious lung disease, there are some environments that are particularly at risk for occupants such as hospitals, nursing homes, retirement homes or spa facilities.
The Sanification of Air Ducts performs an effective prevention activity and an important sanitisation for any type of aeraulic system is guaranteed in hospitals, food companies, shopping malls, spa areas, offices and more.
The system is easy to install and has a very low energy consumption. There is a system for monitoring the state of operation from remote and the possibility of warning in case of need for maintenance.